About Us
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Hirtenstraße 19, 10178 Berlin, Germany

+49 30 24041420


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What we do

Sisspre, together with its network of partner suppliers, designs and manufactures smart devices for the Agrifood sector in the context of Agriculture 4.0.

The use of innovative technologies nowadays allows the implementation of devices (with sustainable costs for the customer) interconnected to intelligent platforms, bringing multiple benefits to the user farm.

The first major project is inherent to TRACEABILITY 4.0 during product harvesting.

Sisspre built a prototype in 2022 that was used during an entire collection campaign by a client company, with deep satisfaction with the results obtained.

TRACEABILITY 4.0 means real protection of the product and especially practical protection of the priceless biodiversity of local crops.

Areas of Expertise


Agriculture 4.0

Internet Of Things

Cooperations and partners
research partners
  • Centro per la Ricerca in Agricoltura e l’analisi dell’Economia Agraria (CREA-OFA): Rende (CS)
  • Fondazione Fojanini (SO)
  • Olio Roil Mill and Producer (Badalucco, IM)
  • Azienda Agricola OliTucci (Marcellinara, CZ)
  • Frantoio Fratelli Rotella (Tiriolo, CZ)
  • Azienda Agricola Vulcano (Mirto Crosia, CS)
  • Frantoio Roperti (Conflenti, CZ)